Gillian Marchenko

March Home Staging, Jooniper Design, Author & Speaker
10 things not to say to a mother fighting depression

10 things not to say to a mother fighting depression

I have friends and family who want to help me fight depression. They just don’t know how. And that’s not their fault. So, I came up with a list of 10 things not to say to a mother fighting depression. I hope it helps both those close to us and other people who aren’t educated about depression, as well. 10. Go outside for a walk. Sunshine and fresh air help me sometimes when I am

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Struggle with Depression during the Holidays

 Struggle with depression… Tis the season Struggle with depression. Tis the season, fa la la la la, la, la, la, la. 1 out of 4 people in America struggle with depression or some kind of mental illness. There are also people who deal with chronic pain, grief, post traumatic stress, and probably too many other things to list here that are often greatly enhanced throughout the holidays. I have major depressive disorder… (I know, shocker.

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Depression: no longer under lock and key

Depression: No longer under lock and key I have a book coming out in the spring about my battle with depression. People who know I am a writer often ask me what I am working on. “A memoir about depression,” I say, and they look at me out of the corners of their eyes. Why would anyone want to write, or for that matter, read a book about that, I decide they are thinking. But

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What about us? A sibling to kids with disabilities shares her needs

What about us? A sibling to kids with disabilities shares her needs

Please help me welcome my beautiful (almost 15 year old) daughter Elaina as she writes about her experience with having siblings with disabilities. Great job, Elaina! I love you! What about us? A sibling to kids with disabilities shares her needs By Elaina Marchenko Today, my sister Zoya and I watched Polly and Evie, our two little sisters with disabilities, while my mom went out for a haircut. It being summer we do watch our

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