Gillian Marchenko

March Home Staging, Jooniper Design, Author & Speaker
A life lived small

A life lived small

None of us parents want our kids with special needs to have a life lived small. But it can happen quickly, can’t it? Sometimes on our special needs journey, I struggle with what’s known as chronic sorrow, a reoccurring swell of grief some parents experience over certain aspects of life with disability. For me, it presents like a nostalgia for a different life. A longing for a world I control and direct. But these thoughts cheapen the gracious lives gifted to us by God.

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To the new mother of a baby with Down syndrome

To the new mother of a baby with Down syndrome

I am a bit farther down your new path. Give yourself time to fall in love with your son, and to get used to Down syndrome. Breathe in his baby smell. Watch how his brother kisses the top of his head, how your husband gently puts him down to sleep, how your baby locks eyes with you when he eats. The weight of the world is in those eyes.

Today, you don’t have to love Down syndrome. Just love your son.

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