Gillian Marchenko

March Home Staging, Jooniper Design, Author & Speaker

Down syndrome, adoption, bonding, hot cement, and hearing each other’s voice

  How is your bond with Evangeline? “How is your emotional connection to Evie going?” Nicola asked last week after I opened the blog for questions. Thank you for asking about our bond, Nicola. I am a writer, so of course, as I thought about how to answer your question, a story emerged. Enjoy! *** This afternoon the kids and I went outside to play. Our new dog Scout got to come out and bask in the

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Advice to a mom who wants to start writing

Advice to a mom who wants to start writing

Mothers who write is a hot topic. I wrote a guest post for Annette Gendler about my writing life with small kids. Last week, I gave away a signed copy of USE YOUR WORDS: A Mother’s Guide to Writing by Kate Hopper, and today I received a message on my Facebook author page from a friend with this question. The question. Hi Gillian- Can you briefly walk me through the process of writing a book and

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How can a mother fit writing into her life?

How can a mother fit writing into her life?

  I have a guest post up today at Annette is the instructor of the memoir workshop I’ve been a part of for the last two years. A mother of three herself, she has started a series on her blog about how mothers fit writing into their busy lives. Today I answer questions about how I find time to write with four kids, where I write, and when I write. Check it out. And

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